Sunday, April 18, 2010

EngSub of B2st - Take Care of My Girlfriend (Say No)

Today my friend asked me if he could date you
Since I had broken up with you, he said he'd cherish you in my place
"That that that that that that's okay
Get get get get away
It's okay, it's not like we have anything to do with each other anymore
Stop saying sorry, my heart doesn't hurt
Please be a good boyfriend to her in place of me"
I can't get myself to say that I still can't sleep at night because of her
With a forced smile I encouraged him and sent him away, oh girl
Oh can't you see? I'm still lovin' you
My heart still can't seem to let you go
Say no! no! no! no! no! say no! no! no! no! no!
Tell him no, tell him your heart is still waiting for me, say no
"She can't drink a lot and she doesn't like smoke
She hates being alone so always be with her"
Always celebrate her birthday and anniversaries"

I don't know why I'm telling him this
I know I'm going to turn around and regret this but I still acted cool
I know I'm going to be upset behind my friend's back and beg him not to

I just can't stop thinking, when I read the lyrics of this song (Korean song, in case you don't know), I can not imagine how painful feelings that he felt at that moment

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