Wednesday, April 28, 2010 - Thursday, Apr 29, 2010

Things certainly won't go as planned with the aspect at play today. For starters, your feelings may seem to have run away with you, and are anything but under your control. One minute you feel madly in love, and the next you want space, and time to go off and do your own thing. This is a passing phase; it won't last, but may give your lover something to think about.


Today's astral configuration encourages your loved one to play a trick on you, perhaps to test just how faithful you really are when tempted to stray from the straight and narrow path. The best advice is to keep awake and alert, and to deal with anything that may seem strangely suspicious in an honorable and praiseworthy manner. Don't be led into any traps; have the last laugh yourself.


Sunday, April 25, 2010

Temukan apa arti dibalik cerita, hati ini terasa berbunga-bunga
Membuat seakan aku melayang, terbuai asmara 
Adakah satu arti dibalik tatapan, tersipu malu akan sebuah senyuman
Membuat suasana menjadi nyata, begitu indahnya 
Dia seperti apa yang selalu ku nantikan aku inginkan
Dia melihatku apa adanya seakan kusempurna 
Tanpa buah kata kau curi hatiku
Dia tunjukkan dengan tulus cintanya
Terasa berbeda saat bersamanya
Aku jatuh cinta 
Dia bukakan pintu hatiku yang lama tak bisa kupercayakan cinta
Hingga dia
disini memberi cintaku harapan 
Give me your love, now so come on and love me 
Nothing in this world could come baby love to me
I would tell the world when you give your love to me

Maliq & D'essential - Dia

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


I hate you, you makes me feel so deep in love............and you're gone. Where are you when I need you the most? Today is the "galau" day ever in the entire month, but the worst part is I can't make the tears comes out.......I hope tomorrow will be better than today

Au revoir! nadia,

Sunday, April 18, 2010

EngSub of B2st - Take Care of My Girlfriend (Say No)

Today my friend asked me if he could date you
Since I had broken up with you, he said he'd cherish you in my place
"That that that that that that's okay
Get get get get away
It's okay, it's not like we have anything to do with each other anymore
Stop saying sorry, my heart doesn't hurt
Please be a good boyfriend to her in place of me"
I can't get myself to say that I still can't sleep at night because of her
With a forced smile I encouraged him and sent him away, oh girl
Oh can't you see? I'm still lovin' you
My heart still can't seem to let you go
Say no! no! no! no! no! say no! no! no! no! no!
Tell him no, tell him your heart is still waiting for me, say no
"She can't drink a lot and she doesn't like smoke
She hates being alone so always be with her"
Always celebrate her birthday and anniversaries"

I don't know why I'm telling him this
I know I'm going to turn around and regret this but I still acted cool
I know I'm going to be upset behind my friend's back and beg him not to

I just can't stop thinking, when I read the lyrics of this song (Korean song, in case you don't know), I can not imagine how painful feelings that he felt at that moment

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Just looking at you and smiling a few times a day,
I've told you hundreds of times, "you're the love of my life".
And I've told you, in this corrupt world,
You're the only one my restless mind can trust.

Though you thought I'd change my mind about you,
If you felt uneasy I smiled and told you that'd never happen.
In my endlessly wandering, hollow heart
The only place I can rest is in you but

I hate myself for having strayed from you. 
Even today I'm wrapped up in what I'm doing and erasing you from my life, "baby, baby."

Even though I stray from you, don't you ever stray from me, "baby",
Even though I forget about you, don't you forget me, "lady".
Even though I drink and don't call,
Even if I briefly meet eyes with another girl,
Only look at me.

Tonight you've waited for me 'til the break of day again.
You're talking to me through tears, saying I've changed. 
But facing you, my feelings for you are the same as before.
Though I soothe you countless times,

I'm gonna have a hard time without you. 
Sometimes I lose my breath just thinking about you. 

In endless fights and an endless sigh
The only place you can rest is in me.

But I hate myself for growing tired of you. 
Even today I'm smiling but secretly losing faith, "baby, baby." 

I know I'm being selfish,
But in the time I've been wasting every day, I've become corrupt like this, "baby".
I only want you to stay pure forever.
I want this with my whole heart, this is my faith in you,
Don't leave me 'til the day you die.

Even though I stray from you don't you ever stray from me.
Even though I forget about you, don't you forget me.
Even though I drink and don't call,
Even though I briefly meet eyes with another girl,
Only look at me.
Only look at me.

Even though I drink and don't call... 
Only look at me.

I only want you to stay pure forever.
I want this with my whole heart, this is my faith in you,
Don't leave me 'til the day you die.

Taeyang - Only Look at Me (English Translation)

Sorry for my bad english and there was no intent and absence of meaning 

Your character is so gentle, your smile is so warm, your kindness, thoughtfulness, which made me adore you. Although sometimes you do crazy and made me disgusted to see it, but it's just jokes.

So, err... love?  

Sunday, April 4, 2010

My Worst Behavior

Sebenernya gue mau nulis blog ini udah dari 2 hari yang lalu, cuman gue masih belom kuat buat nulisnya ditambah lagi kemaren closing SkyBattle 2010 yang capenya setengah mati, jadi gue belom sempet....and finally gue skg mau nyocur (nyolong curhat kata ibro)

2 hari yang lalu gue sempet kecewa banget sama diri gue, yang paling bikin gue down itu adalah nyokap gue, gue tau nyokap gue sebenernya sayang sama gue, tapi gue bingung kenapa nyokap ga bisa nunjukin itu ya yang seadanya, kekeselan gue memuncak pas abang gue dateng ke jakarta, oke fine, dia skg dimata nyokap bokap gue udh jadi "golden boy" yah secara abang gue ini yg pertama kalinya buat nyokap bokap bangga setengah mati udah kaya apaan tau, 1. Keterima kerja di Pertamina yang masa depannya menjamin paraaaah, 2. Dijodohin sama orang yg nyokap bokap gue hormatin dan ternyata keluarga cewenya jg hormat sm nyokap bokap gue bangga, yaaaah kalo gue mau ngejek sih: emangnya jaman siti nurbaya apa masih pake ada acara di jodohin yaga?

Hari kamis yang lalu abang gue pulang ke Jakarta, naik pesawat landing jam 8 malem. Disisi lain gue les juga sampe jam 8-9 malem, nah kebetulan mobil dirumah gue hari itu lagi cuman ada 1 jadi otomatis bentrok dong? trs tiba-tiba nyokap gue tlp trs bilang "dek, kamu bisa pulang sendiri ga naik taksi? soalnya mobil mau jemput abang" oke, gue sih sebenernya udah biasa naik taksi kaya gt, cuman disini alesannya yang bikin gue sensi, HELLOOOO gue cewe masih pake baju sekolah dan disuruh pulang naik taksi jam 08.30 malem? dan abang gue yang cowo.....oh my, see? itu gue sensi tapi sebenenrnya masalah itu sih biasa banget, akhirnya gue tlp nyokap lagi trs gue bilang kalo gue gamau pulang naik taksi, dan gue sampe bilang "nadia cewe ma, pulang malem kaya gini, ga kasian apa sm nadia?" 1 kata: manja, oke fine gue terima akhirnya nyokap gue ngerti dan gue di jemput jg, and yes I win.

Besoknya gue ada shift buat SkyBattle jam 9-12 siang, pagi-pagi sih ga ada masalah tapi pas pulangnya ini, bentrok lagi sm acara silaturahmi whatever it is sm keluarga yang mau dijodohin sm abang gue itu, trs gue tlp gue bbm gue semuanya sampe gue tlp supir gue sendiri itu ga diangkat, emosi gue mulai memuncak dan gue harus nunggu sampe 4 jam buat dijemput, kebayang ga sih gue ngapain disana?. Selesai itu akhirnya gue dijemput, pas dimobil gue udah ga mood ngomong apapun dan komentar apapun, sampe akhirnya nyokap gue nawarin beli baju buat abang gue, FAAAAAAAAK gue emosi banget disitu, pdhal kemarennya gue baru minta beliin dompet aja ya, ga dibolehinnya udah kaya apaan sedangkan ini abang gue ditawarin, ya even akhirnya abang gue nolak sih. Malemnya mood gue udh berantakan banget sampe akhirnya nyokap gue tlp ngajakin makan bebek tapi gue tolak karna abang gue ikut (keadaan saat itu gue lg bener-bener bt sm abang gue) akhirnya mrk pergi tanpa gue including kakak gue yang cewe dan anak-anaknya ya......................well, they're having fun without me ryt?. Pas mereka pergi entah kenapa mood gue bener-bener hancur, gue down, gue kesel bener-bener semuanya jadi 1 dan akhirnya gue nangis semaleman, sampe akhirnya nyokap gue tlp buat yakinin gue bener gamau ikut apa ngga, gue jawab ngga dg suara serak gue dan nyokap gue bukannya nnya kenapa malah marahin gue gara-gara suara gue serak gamau minum obat dsb, ya so what?

Sampe besoknnya mata gue sembab seharian, singkat cerita, gue cerita sm kakak gue yang cewe kenapa dr kemaren gue bt mulu seharian, abis cerita kakak gue cuman komentar "dek, uda ijal itu yang golden boy, abang silver boy dan elo itu platinum girl tanpa lo sadar, lah gue? gue bronze pun jadi....gue sih ga mementingkan kedudukan gue dikeluarga apa dek asalkan mereka ada disaat gue butuh itu udh cukup buat gue" emang magic ya omongan kakak gue, akhirnya gue sadar............emang selama ini gue yang egois, gue ga pernah bersyukur atas apa yang udah gue dapet selama ini, gue terlalu boros......dari semua omongan gue intinya gue cuman cari perhatian sm nyokap gue dan gamau ngebagi perhatiannya itu ke abang gue, sorry bang I'm the youngest in the family, pasti manja abang pasti ngertilah...........dari semua bullshit yg gue omongin diatas gue cuman pengen bilang

I'm sorry for being selfish all this time, and I'm sorry Mom dan Bro' really deep sorry for behave like this...I love you Mom and Bro' (still you're the best for me)