Sunday, December 26, 2010
My Biography
Dear Future Me.....
I have some question for the future me, things get change right? well, the future me have to changes too!
1. Do you lose some... wait, I mean is A LOT of weight?
2. Do you still single? or maybe... married?!
3. Do you get what you really want?
4. Do you still in Indonesia?
5. Count it all! How many time a guy break you heart?
6. Do you remember what "galau" means?
7. The last but not least, WHO ARE YOU RIGHT NOW? Do you proud of it?
Past Nadia Maulida
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Thursday, September 16, 2010
On the way to College
Mulai tanggal 20 September 2010, angkatan Hastara harus udah serius buat ngadepin UAN. Ga kerasa banget ya? perasaan kaya baru kemaren gue ikut MOS, TO, Bintama. Well, rencana gue buat kedepannya itu: UI, UGM, ITB (AMINNNNN) yaaaah biarpun sejujurnya gue ga terlalu berharap dengan universitas negeri, kalo swastanya gue mau bangeeeeeeeeeeet nget nget di Prasetya Mulya. Yah, pilihan unversitas udah sekarang tingga pilihan Fakultas-jurusannya, masalahnya gue jg gatau lagi mau ambil jurusan apa selain bisnis management, di otak gue cuman ada bisnis, bisnis & BISNIS!. Kemaren gue abis liat jurusan - jurusan di websitenya UI sih......terus gue berminat di Kriminatologi HAHAHA tapi jujur kayaknya seru aja di jurusan itu, kaya FBI-FBI versi Indoneseia kan? yaaaah intinya itu lah, dan permasalahan utama dari semuanya itu adalah:
SIMAK UI ------------> 27 FEBRUARI 2011!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jujur gue amat sangat SHOCK! kenapa bisa secepet itu coba? gilaaaaa taun ini aja simaknya bulan maretan gt apa kapaaan gt, yang pasti ga secepet sekarang kannnn??
Nah, untuk menyambut gembira tanggal itu....gue udah nyiapin diri dengan les yang FULL 1 MINGGU PENUH!
SSC: Senin & Rabu, TBI: Selasa, Kamis & Jumat, BTA: Jumat & Sabtu.
Coba ditengok jadwal gue untuk setaun kedepan. Ada yang bisa menemukan hari apakah gue bisa main? minggu? istirahat kaliiiii, lo kata gue wonder woman apa? palingan sabtu abis BTA, tapi yah please....udah muak duluan otak gue buat dibawa jalan. Yah, skg semuanya dibawa asik dulu deh, kan kalo gue susah - susah sekarang tapi seneng buat nantinya kaaan? (AMIN)
Monday, September 13, 2010
Gue sih ga bisa cerita banyak, intinya this trip is kinda sucks :middlefinger:
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Friday, August 13, 2010
What I Want To - Do If I Have a Lover (Duet)
If I have a boy friend,
there'll be so many things I want to do
I've dreamt I have a boy friend like that
The first, kissing him in the street
The second, catching the early train for Chooncheon with him
The third, going on a picnic with him
The fourth, the piggy back ride
The fifth, couple-ring is basic to our love
Boo boo boo It'll be really sweet
The thought of it makes my heart flutter
I'll try to do every one a day with you
I'm so happy to be with you
I'm so happy we both are together
You're a real treasure to me, baby baby baby baby baby boo
If I have a girl friend,
there'll be so many things I also want to do
I've always envied another's girl friend
The sixth, I'll go to late night movies with you
The seventh, I'll go to amusement parks with you
The eighth, I'll hold a surprise event for you
Boo boo boo I'll be really happy because of you
The thought of it makes my heart flutter
I'll try to do every one a day with you
I'm so happy to be with you
I'm so happy we both are together
You're a real treasure to me, baby baby baby baby baby boo
I've been alone on my birthday
I've had nothing do on the weekend
But I'm eagerly looking forward to such named days
I'm so happy to be with you, I'm so happy we both are together
Wherever we are, or whatever we do
I really want us to be one
Everyday what I really try to do with you,
is to tell you, "I love you"
What I really want to hear from you, is such a word, "I love you"
Thank you for coming to me
I'm so happy to be with you
You are my only love, baby baby baby baby baby boo
Baby baby baby (my one and only love) baby boo
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Galau Itu Baik!
Gue tau ko gue emang bego, tapi apa coba yang bisa gue lakuin? nothin', kalo adapun paling berbagai macam advice dtg ke gue dan gue pun gatau mesti ikutin yang mana, itulah namanya galau. Gue udah coba lupain, 4 taun men gue survive dari orang yang gue pikir ga memungkinkan untuk ada timbal baliknya ke gue, sampe akhirnya gue coba pindah ke oranglain yang justru malah ngebuat gue makin down dan yaaaaa bisa dibiliang agak gila sedikit (yg dkt sm gue taulah seberapa galaunya gue waktu itu).
Gue coba lupa, akhirnya lupa. Tapi bukannya malah ketemu yang baru dan yang better dari semuanya malah gue balik lagi ke yang dulu, yaitu penantian gue selama 4 taun berturut-turut, tapi kalo gue totalin sampe sekarang itu bisa sampe 5-6 taun aja loh! Kurang setia apa coba gue?. Siapa yang mau bilang kalo gue itu goblok? Gue terima ko. Emang itu faktanya, gue cukup goblok nungguin orang yang ga ada pastinya sampe sekarang.
Kenapa gue ga coba move on atau yang kita sebut bahasa kasarnya adalah cari pelarian yang baru? Lo tanya gue ampe 18027397123801x juga jawaban gue cuman 1: "GATAU".
Gue memang bodoh dalam hal ini, amat sangat tidak expert.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
SKYAVENUE'10! & Celana Aladinku

Project terakhir dari angkatan Hasta Praja Sanggakara, HASTARA!
ditanggal 7 agustus nanti pasti seru mampus gt deh, ga kebayang (super excited). Btw, niat gue buat SkyAve nanti kan mau pake baju panitia+celana aladin kan ya....cuman dikarenakan ukuran paha gue yang cukup seperti ayam boiler jadi gue agak mau mengundurkan diri buat pake celana aladin, tapi gue masih mau nyoba cari lagi ah pantang nyerah bok. Waktu itu gue pernah pajang di twitter tentang ukuran celana aladin sebesar paha anak gajah adanya dimana gt kan, ko pd ketawa ya? gue merasa sedih sebenernya (mellow) hhhhh mau dibawa kemanaaa pahaku iniii~. Ayo! gue butuh informasi tentang ini nih! "di toko manakah yang menjual celana aladin yang berukuran sebesar anak gajah?" jika anda tau, tolong hubungi saya. ASAP!
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Robotic, Electronic, Superpanic
Friday, June 18, 2010
Udah Lama Ga Nge-post Jadinya Ga Jelas
oke, gue mau cerita sedikit tentang keadaan gue pasca postingan yg kemaren-kemaren, which is about my love life. Well, keadaan saya sampai saat ini makin membaik dan terus membaik loooh! yah even gue belom dapet pengganti kaya lo gt, ya gue sih tetep stay cool aja, namanya juga orang setia yega? haha dibilang setia juga untuk saat ini udah ngga, meen the show must go on! enough is enough. Oh, dan besok gue mau berangkat ke lombok!!! yeaaay, gue mesti have fun disanaaaa, mau main water sport yang banyak, gaaaah' I can't wait for tomorrow.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
What the oracle
What my friend said is true. And I can't say anything, but if someone asked me if I would accept him again if he comes back to me, and my answer is yes. Pathetic ryt?
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Monday, May 24, 2010
Lady Antebellum - Need You Now
Reachin' for the phone 'cause I can't fight it anymore
And I wonder if I ever cross your mind
For me it happens all the time
It's a quarter after one, I'm all alone and I need you now
Said I wouldn't call but I lost all control and I need you now
And I don't know how I can do without
I just need you now
Another shot of whiskey can't stop looking at the door
Wishing you'd come sweeping in the way you did before
And I wonder if I ever cross your mind
For me it happens all the time
It's a quarter after one, I'm a little drunk and I need you now
Said I wouldn't call but I lost all control and I need you now
And I don't know how I can do without
I just need you now
Guess I'd rather hurt than feel nothin' at all
It's a quarter after one I'm all alone and I need you now
And I said I wouldn't call but I'm a little drunk and I need you now
And I don't know how I can do without
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Moving On is The Best Part
Ga kerasa ya, gue udah mulai move on dari semuanya......kalo dipikir-pikir emang buat apa gue stuck sm orang yang sebenernya ga ngebuat gue untung sama sekali malah ngerugiin gue apalagi dimasalah belajar sm sekolah, kalo ada dia gue pasti ga belajar deh buahahaha yaudahlah ya.....
Jadi, intinya gue berusaha move on dan Alhamdulillah berhasil ya walaupun kadang-kadangn masih keinget, yailah namanya jg cewe susah dong untuk masalah move on, yega? (cie) dan gue sekarang mau fokus dulu deh ke masalah UKK, masalahnya gue dapet surat pemanggilan orang tua nih..................deg-degannya udah kaya apaan tau, takut banget parah.....yaAllah semoga ga kenapa-kenapa ya, cuman sebatas dibilang harus lebih rajin lagi aja (amin) jangan yang macem-macem deh, ga kuat mental jiwa fisik gue buat dengernya juga -,-. okeoke buat janji yuk! yaaa satu aja dulu, fokusin sekolah ga usah mikir apa-apa dulu.......
HHHHHHHHHHH ga kerasa ya udah mau pisah aja sm XI IPS 2 hueeeee, sedih sih tapi emang harus pisah semuanya, wajib naik kelas semuanya XI IPS 2 (amin) I lobeee my XI IPS 2 :*
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Yours, Right?
See it's burning me to hold onto this
I know this is something I gotta do
But that don't mean I want to
What I'm trying to say is that I-love-you I just
I feel like this is coming to an end
And it's better for me to let it go now than hold on and hurt you
I gotta let it burn
It's gonna burn for me to say this
But it's coming from my heart
It's been a long time coming
But we done been fell apart
Really wanna work this out
But I don't think you're gonna change
I do but you don't
Think it's best we go our separate ways
Tell me why I should stay in this relationship
When I'm hurting baby, I ain't happy baby
Plus there's so many other things I gotta deal with
I think that you should let it burn
When your feeling ain't the same and your body don't want to
But you know gotta let it go cause' the party ain't jumpin' like it used to
Even though this might ruin you
Let it burn
Let it burn
Gotta let it burn
Deep down you know it's best for yourself but you
Hate the thought of her being with someone else
But you know that it's over
We know that it's through
Let it burn
Let it burn
Gotta let it burn
Sendin' pages I ain't supposed to
Got somebody here but I want you
Cause the feelin ain't the same by myself
Callin' her your name
Ladies tell me do you understand?
Now all my fellas do you feel my pain?
It's the way I feel
I know I made a mistake
Now it's too late
I know she ain't comin back
What I gotta do now
To get my shorty back
Ooo ooo ooo ooooh
Man I don't know what I'm gonna do
Without my booo
You've been gone for too long
It's been fifty-leven days, um-teen hours
Imma be burnin' till you return (let it burn)
I'm twisted cause' one side of me is tellin' me that I need to move on
On the other side I wanna break down and cry (ooooh)
I'm twisted cause' one side of me is tellin' me that I need to move on
On the other side I wanna break down and cry (yeah)
So many days, so many hours
I'm still burnin' till you return
Usher - Burn
Friday, May 7, 2010
Done and Done
Entah ini semuanya kesalahan gue full atau dia cuman buat cari alesan supaya bisa ngejauh dari gue.......gue gatau, tapi gue sadar ko kalo gue salah dan gue udah berusaha untuk minta maaf ya, tapi apa balesan lo? maafin gue aja belom.......yang ada lo malah tiba-tiba nge-unfollow gue dr twitter lo terus besoknya lo nge-remove gue jd follower lo....maksut gue, please banget dong mainan lo kaya gitu? gara-gara kesel sama masalah kecil (mungkin menurut lo masalah besar, ya I have no idea) terus lo jadi ngilang gt aja, gue sih ga masalah (serius) tapi maksut gue kan seengganya lo bisa bilang "iya nad gue maafin" DONE! lo mau ilang ke pedalaman suku dayak jg gue ga peduli, ini perasaan yang ngegantung.....dibilang gue salah oke iya emang gue salah, tapi lo juga ga bisa dibilang bener 100% kan?
After all we've been through, cukup selesai dengan kesalahan gue dalam penggunaan kata-kata? cukup selesai dalam artian "bener-bener selesai dan gue ga kenal lo lagi" oh ok fine. Tanpa ngomong apa-apa lo ilang gt aja, dimanaaaa sisi gentle lo sebagai cowo? dimanaa sifat lo yang lo bilang kalo lo berani, yang udah keliatan dari semua cerita lo yang lo pernah ceritain ke gue?. Gue cuman mau denger kata "iya gue maafin" itu doang ko, kenapa sih? susah banget...apa perlu gue ceramah depan muka lo terus gue bilang---Allah aja bisa memaafkan umatnya, masa lo yang seorang manusia biasa yang ga bisa apa-apa ga bisa maafin gue yang sama-sama umat-Nya sih?------NGGA KAAAAN? gue jg gamau, ngapain gue ceramah kaya gt....sadar sendirilah. Anyway, gue nulis blog gini bukan maksut gue buat nyidir lo atau ngejelek-jelekin lo (sumpah) tapi gue cuman pengen lo tau, kalo gue merasa bersalah dan gue cuman pengen bilang "Firman Zainal Tamin, thanks for everything and I'm sorry" that's all, gue tau gue frontal sampe gue tulis nama lo disini, tapi itu biar lo tau maksut gue nulis blog ini apa.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Wednesday, April 28, 2010 - Thursday, Apr 29, 2010
Things certainly won't go as planned with the aspect at play today. For starters, your feelings may seem to have run away with you, and are anything but under your control. One minute you feel madly in love, and the next you want space, and time to go off and do your own thing. This is a passing phase; it won't last, but may give your lover something to think about.
Today's astral configuration encourages your loved one to play a trick on you, perhaps to test just how faithful you really are when tempted to stray from the straight and narrow path. The best advice is to keep awake and alert, and to deal with anything that may seem strangely suspicious in an honorable and praiseworthy manner. Don't be led into any traps; have the last laugh yourself.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Membuat seakan aku melayang, terbuai asmara
Adakah satu arti dibalik tatapan, tersipu malu akan sebuah senyuman
Membuat suasana menjadi nyata, begitu indahnya
Dia seperti apa yang selalu ku nantikan aku inginkan
Dia melihatku apa adanya seakan kusempurna
Tanpa buah kata kau curi hatiku
Dia tunjukkan dengan tulus cintanya
Terasa berbeda saat bersamanya
Aku jatuh cinta
Dia bukakan pintu hatiku yang lama tak bisa kupercayakan cinta
Hingga dia disini memberi cintaku harapan
Give me your love, now so come on and love me
Nothing in this world could come baby love to me
I would tell the world when you give your love to me
Maliq & D'essential - Dia
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
I hate you, you makes me feel so deep in love............and you're gone. Where are you when I need you the most? Today is the "galau" day ever in the entire month, but the worst part is I can't make the tears comes out.......I hope tomorrow will be better than today
Au revoir! nadia,
Sunday, April 18, 2010
EngSub of B2st - Take Care of My Girlfriend (Say No)
Today my friend asked me if he could date you
Since I had broken up with you, he said he'd cherish you in my place
"That that that that that that's okay
Get get get get away
It's okay, it's not like we have anything to do with each other anymore
Stop saying sorry, my heart doesn't hurt
Please be a good boyfriend to her in place of me"
I can't get myself to say that I still can't sleep at night because of her
With a forced smile I encouraged him and sent him away, oh girl
Oh can't you see? I'm still lovin' you
My heart still can't seem to let you go
Say no! no! no! no! no! say no! no! no! no! no!
Tell him no, tell him your heart is still waiting for me, say no
"She can't drink a lot and she doesn't like smoke
She hates being alone so always be with her"
Always celebrate her birthday and anniversaries"
I don't know why I'm telling him this
I know I'm going to turn around and regret this but I still acted cool
I know I'm going to be upset behind my friend's back and beg him not to
I just can't stop thinking, when I read the lyrics of this song (Korean song, in case you don't know), I can not imagine how painful feelings that he felt at that moment
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
I've told you hundreds of times, "you're the love of my life".
And I've told you, in this corrupt world,
You're the only one my restless mind can trust.
Though you thought I'd change my mind about you,
If you felt uneasy I smiled and told you that'd never happen.
In my endlessly wandering, hollow heart
The only place I can rest is in you but
I hate myself for having strayed from you.
Even today I'm wrapped up in what I'm doing and erasing you from my life, "baby, baby."
Even though I stray from you, don't you ever stray from me, "baby",
Even though I forget about you, don't you forget me, "lady".
Even though I drink and don't call,
Even if I briefly meet eyes with another girl,
Only look at me.
Tonight you've waited for me 'til the break of day again.
You're talking to me through tears, saying I've changed.
But facing you, my feelings for you are the same as before.
Though I soothe you countless times,
I'm gonna have a hard time without you.
Sometimes I lose my breath just thinking about you.
In endless fights and an endless sigh
The only place you can rest is in me.
But I hate myself for growing tired of you.
Even today I'm smiling but secretly losing faith, "baby, baby."
I know I'm being selfish,
But in the time I've been wasting every day, I've become corrupt like this, "baby".
I only want you to stay pure forever.
I want this with my whole heart, this is my faith in you,
Don't leave me 'til the day you die.
Even though I stray from you don't you ever stray from me.
Even though I forget about you, don't you forget me.
Even though I drink and don't call,
Even though I briefly meet eyes with another girl,
Only look at me.
Only look at me.
Even though I drink and don't call...
Only look at me.
I only want you to stay pure forever.
I want this with my whole heart, this is my faith in you,
Don't leave me 'til the day you die.
Taeyang - Only Look at Me (English Translation)
Sunday, April 4, 2010
My Worst Behavior
Sebenernya gue mau nulis blog ini udah dari 2 hari yang lalu, cuman gue masih belom kuat buat nulisnya ditambah lagi kemaren closing SkyBattle 2010 yang capenya setengah mati, jadi gue belom sempet....and finally gue skg mau nyocur (nyolong curhat kata ibro)
2 hari yang lalu gue sempet kecewa banget sama diri gue, yang paling bikin gue down itu adalah nyokap gue, gue tau nyokap gue sebenernya sayang sama gue, tapi gue bingung kenapa nyokap ga bisa nunjukin itu ya yang seadanya, kekeselan gue memuncak pas abang gue dateng ke jakarta, oke fine, dia skg dimata nyokap bokap gue udh jadi "golden boy" yah secara abang gue ini yg pertama kalinya buat nyokap bokap bangga setengah mati udah kaya apaan tau, 1. Keterima kerja di Pertamina yang masa depannya menjamin paraaaah, 2. Dijodohin sama orang yg nyokap bokap gue hormatin dan ternyata keluarga cewenya jg hormat sm nyokap bokap gue bangga, yaaaah kalo gue mau ngejek sih: emangnya jaman siti nurbaya apa masih pake ada acara di jodohin yaga?
Hari kamis yang lalu abang gue pulang ke Jakarta, naik pesawat landing jam 8 malem. Disisi lain gue les juga sampe jam 8-9 malem, nah kebetulan mobil dirumah gue hari itu lagi cuman ada 1 jadi otomatis bentrok dong? trs tiba-tiba nyokap gue tlp trs bilang "dek, kamu bisa pulang sendiri ga naik taksi? soalnya mobil mau jemput abang" oke, gue sih sebenernya udah biasa naik taksi kaya gt, cuman disini alesannya yang bikin gue sensi, HELLOOOO gue cewe masih pake baju sekolah dan disuruh pulang naik taksi jam 08.30 malem? dan abang gue yang cowo.....oh my, see? itu gue sensi tapi sebenenrnya masalah itu sih biasa banget, akhirnya gue tlp nyokap lagi trs gue bilang kalo gue gamau pulang naik taksi, dan gue sampe bilang "nadia cewe ma, pulang malem kaya gini, ga kasian apa sm nadia?" 1 kata: manja, oke fine gue terima akhirnya nyokap gue ngerti dan gue di jemput jg, and yes I win.
Besoknya gue ada shift buat SkyBattle jam 9-12 siang, pagi-pagi sih ga ada masalah tapi pas pulangnya ini, bentrok lagi sm acara silaturahmi whatever it is sm keluarga yang mau dijodohin sm abang gue itu, trs gue tlp gue bbm gue semuanya sampe gue tlp supir gue sendiri itu ga diangkat, emosi gue mulai memuncak dan gue harus nunggu sampe 4 jam buat dijemput, kebayang ga sih gue ngapain disana?. Selesai itu akhirnya gue dijemput, pas dimobil gue udah ga mood ngomong apapun dan komentar apapun, sampe akhirnya nyokap gue nawarin beli baju buat abang gue, FAAAAAAAAK gue emosi banget disitu, pdhal kemarennya gue baru minta beliin dompet aja ya, ga dibolehinnya udah kaya apaan sedangkan ini abang gue ditawarin, ya even akhirnya abang gue nolak sih. Malemnya mood gue udh berantakan banget sampe akhirnya nyokap gue tlp ngajakin makan bebek tapi gue tolak karna abang gue ikut (keadaan saat itu gue lg bener-bener bt sm abang gue) akhirnya mrk pergi tanpa gue including kakak gue yang cewe dan anak-anaknya ya......................well, they're having fun without me ryt?. Pas mereka pergi entah kenapa mood gue bener-bener hancur, gue down, gue kesel bener-bener semuanya jadi 1 dan akhirnya gue nangis semaleman, sampe akhirnya nyokap gue tlp buat yakinin gue bener gamau ikut apa ngga, gue jawab ngga dg suara serak gue dan nyokap gue bukannya nnya kenapa malah marahin gue gara-gara suara gue serak gamau minum obat dsb, ya so what?
Sampe besoknnya mata gue sembab seharian, singkat cerita, gue cerita sm kakak gue yang cewe kenapa dr kemaren gue bt mulu seharian, abis cerita kakak gue cuman komentar "dek, uda ijal itu yang golden boy, abang silver boy dan elo itu platinum girl tanpa lo sadar, lah gue? gue bronze pun jadi....gue sih ga mementingkan kedudukan gue dikeluarga apa dek asalkan mereka ada disaat gue butuh itu udh cukup buat gue" emang magic ya omongan kakak gue, akhirnya gue sadar............emang selama ini gue yang egois, gue ga pernah bersyukur atas apa yang udah gue dapet selama ini, gue terlalu boros......dari semua omongan gue intinya gue cuman cari perhatian sm nyokap gue dan gamau ngebagi perhatiannya itu ke abang gue, sorry bang I'm the youngest in the family, pasti manja abang pasti ngertilah...........dari semua bullshit yg gue omongin diatas gue cuman pengen bilang
I'm sorry for being selfish all this time, and I'm sorry Mom dan Bro' really deep sorry for behave like this...I love you Mom and Bro' (still you're the best for me)
Sunday, March 28, 2010
I wanna touch and hold you forever
But you’re still in my dream
And I can’t stand to wait ’till nite is coming to my life
But I still have a time to break a silence
When you love someone
Just be brave to say that you want him to be with you
When you hold your love
Don’t ever let it go
Or you will loose your chance
To make your dreams come true…
I used to hide and watch you from a distance and i knew you realized, I was looking for a time to get closer at least to say…
Endah n Rhesa - When You Love Someone
Friday, March 26, 2010
I just made a big mistake, is because......I don't know, maybe its because of you for making me crazy, why? why when am not in the mood you've always showed up? and where are you when I need you the most? and that's way the slander came.........I just want you to realize that I've been there before, but this is the worst. Thanks for everything, maybe this is the right time to say goodbye
Au revoir! nadia,
Monday, March 22, 2010 - Tuesday, 23 2010
Although it may not have arrived just yet, love is heading your way. The real question is, when this love calls, will you be ready? This isn't about being prepared, but rather about putting yourself in a position where you can accept love from someone else.
Au revoir! nadia,
Friday, March 19, 2010
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Hari yang Kebal
Tadi di sekolah entah kenapa tiba-tiba ga ada angin ga ada ujan diadain esq gt, tau kan lo semua? yang tentang keagamaan lalalalal~ dan entah kenapa kali ini
Gue jg bingung, padahal pas pertama kali gue nangis bombay tau ga....mungkin karena ini di sekolah jadi ga konsen ck, yasudahlah ya, anyway hari ini amat sangat tidak berguna tau kaya gini mending gue tidur aja dirumah aaaaaaa bete
Au revoir! nadia,
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Au reovir! nadia,
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
My Best Friends Forever, My Best Girls & Boys. ATJ
I miss this moment, when we are have some fun together and laugh out loud and talking about something or we can call it I've learned something and all I know, I really love my ATJ so much, I hope we will longlast friends ever. Today location: Sheila Tania's house and La Codefin
Au revoir! nadia,
Monday, March 15, 2010
Midterm is Off
Finally, the last day of this goddamn midterm...well I bet the result is not like what I want and what I hope, yeaa it will be. Well, there's no need to regret it right? just wish me luck for the next exam, I wish am going to be a better person and not wasting my time, I need to study harder than this..
Au revoir! nadia,
Sunday, March 14, 2010 - Monday, Mar 15 2010
Today could be a magical day when star-crossed lovers are able to uncross their stars. If there's a special someone you love but have had a hard time connecting with, now could be the time to try again. Don't give up hope until you've made at least one more attempt.
oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo wow................
Au revoir! nadia,
Saturday, March 13, 2010 - Sunday, Mar 14 2012
Make sure that you're living consciously at this time, Virgo. It could be that you're going through a period of denial and simply refusing to see the truth of the situation. Open up your eyes to the world around you so you can invite in joy and compassion. Don't be satisfied with superficial interactions that don't really satisfy you emotionally and intellectually.
Au revoir! nadia,
Education & Emotional
Still, I don't what is the best for me.....stay here? with my parents? or live overseas, alone by myself....I just don't know
Au revoir! nadia,
Monday, March 8, 2010
Earn Something(s)
Study with friends is actually fun, earn knowledge like 'real knowledge' and 'gossip knowledge', I will do it later and have some nice conversation with them
Au revoir! nadia,
Friday, March 5, 2010
Mama & Katarak
Apa sih katarak itu? apa semuanya kejadian karena faktor usia?
Gue ga tega liat nyokap gue abis operasi katarak kaya gini...katanya abis operasi biasanya 2 hari udah sembuh tapi skg belom, mungkin karena emang nyokap gue jg orangnya super ga sabaran ya jadi parnoan jatohnya. Posisi gue disini bingung mesti ngomong apa, disisi lain gue jg takut sm sedih ngeliat nyokap gue kaya gini, kan gue jg gamau nyokap gue kenapa-kenapa. Ya mau diapain lagi sih sebenernya, disini gue cuman minta bantu doa ya buat nyokap gue supaya ga kenapa-kenapa, gue jadi takut sendiri :"""( jadi sekali lagi, mohon doa buat kesembuhan nyokap gue ya....thanks guys gbu!
Au revoir! nadia,
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Love Song
wish you were here with me but memories are all I have left, baby give me your hand so we can both understand this love, I pleaded your love wouldn't pass all the pieces of my soul want to live in your heart, even though it hurts, I'll make a brand new start and lay the rest all the moments that played with my heart but just before I do, I gotta let you know that no girl will love you more
Listen, I'm without you, all I know is right now
I love, I'll always love you
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Great Saturday
Monday, February 8, 2010
Grande Colorful Headphones